recursive & repeat
2024. 6. 25. 13:50
with recursive cte as (
select 20 as NUM
union all
select NUM-1 from CTE
where NUM > 0
select repeat('* ', NUM)
from cte
with recursive cte as (
select 1 as NUM
union all
select NUM+1 from cte
where NUM < 20)
select repeat('* ', NUM)
from cte
with recursive cte as (
select 2 as NUM
union all
select NUM+1
from cte
where NUM < 1000)
select group_concat(NUM separator '&')
from cte
where not exists (
select * -- NUM
from cte as cte2
where cte2.NUM <= sqrt(cte.NUM) -- 루트 NUM 이하 수 중에
and cte.NUM % cte2.NUM = 0 -- 나누어떨어지는 수 제외